Table Concatenations
At the Package level is a section that lets you define Table Concatenations. Table Concatenations are the joined output of up to 7 tables. This feature can be used to generate some incredibly useful game material such as new Mythos tome titles, description of people players might meet on the street, items found during an investigation, etc. Tables from any catalog can be used in any number of table concatenations.
Several control options let you vary how the concatenation string is generated such as setting a prefacing term (by, the, bound, etc.) and setting a % change of occurring in the output which can help in creating quite a variety of output from the same table sources. The NS checkbox of a concatenation config specifies that the output is intended to be generated without spaces. This lets you create an output of syllables into a string to be used as a Mythos style name.
The generated output of a TC is kept in the result field. You can quickly generate a bunch of outputs and then grab the entire results field to be used somewhere else in the system for an inventory of items or you can grab just the latest generated entry by using the C-All or Copy buttons. Full details on using the Table Concatenation feature can be found in the CoCGMS help system.